Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Liboratory 4 : help...

Standing at Attention
Originally uploaded by SaundraG

what's a feather
without the ink
what's a feather
without the wind

cannot write
impossible to fly

useless little thing

Liboratory 3

It has been a month since my last blog. Nothing to say? No. It is rather too much to do.

Looks like I missed some info. of week 2 and week 3. I remember reading somewhere that usually people read only 33% of text on their screen. This can only mean 2 things: people are looking for quick, short, information and read what catches the eye (coloured or bold text, bigger letters etc). And I'm sure photographs/pictures are eye/attention catching elements.

That means i should stop writing this post right away and add a nice picture to it. If I only remember how to do it... I have done it once only, four weeks ago. Let's try.